High performance & sustainability
Among the many lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder that indoor air quality matters. Like drinking water, outdoor air pollution and the food we eat, the quality of indoor air is now under the microscope for future regulation. Improving air quality is also critical to help mitigate transmission of COVID-19 as companies prepare to welcome their workforces back to the office environment.
While many emerging technologies, such as Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI), show significant promise in laboratory studies, some of the performance claims do not translate directly to real-world conditions as they are installed in buildings. Pepper recently partnered with RHP Risk Management, a national research and consulting firm comprised of health scientists and public health professionals, to conduct a controlled, real-world test on NPBI to further understand its efficacy, analyze how aerosols travel in an office, explore the limitations and best applications for NPBI and understand the value of this and other emerging technologies.
Please click on the icon below to read or download our new white paper, "Protecting the Air We Breathe."
To review our previously published white paper, "Improving The Air We Breathe," click here.
This white paper is intended for educational purposes only.
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