High performance & sustainability, About Pepper
Our fight against pollution
Each year, we produce roughly 310 million tons of plastic globally and that number is estimated to increase to 792 million tons by 2050. Most of the pollution is made up of petro-plastic, made from fossil fuels. However, experts estimate that 90% of current plastics could alternatively be derived from plants. Bio-based plastics come from the earth, making them biodegradable. If the usage of bioplastics is adapted by 49% of the market by 2050, we can avoid 4.3 gigatons of emissions.
At Pepper, we adhere to a certain set of values that guide us through each day. Within those set of values is growth and leadership. We aim to pave the way towards making our mark on the community and striving for a better future.
A major part in ensuring a better future is protecting our planet and taking action to make sure that future generations live on a sustainable and healthy earth.
Here is our challenge to you: All during the month of July, simply avoid using the three single-use plastic items listed below.
Plastic bottles: Each year, Americans buy 29 million water bottles and for every six bottles purchased, only one is recycled. Water bottles do not biodegrade, but rather photodegrade meaning that it takes at least up to 1,000 years for each one to decompose.
Plastic bags: The average American family takes home almost 1,500 plastic shopping bags a year. This adds up to 100 billion being used across the United States, annually. It takes at least 500 years for a plastic bag to degrade in a landfill and many end up in the oceans. In fact, an estimated 100,000 marine animals are killed each year by plastic bags.
Plastic Straws: In just the U.S. alone, an estimated 500 million straws are used every single day and as many as 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute the world's beaches.
Many of our Zoo partners have committed to the 31-day challenge to join us in reducing single-use plastic items. Over the years, we have worked with Lincoln Park Zoo, Brookfield Zoo, Shedd Aquarium, Indianapolis Zoo, Houston Zoo, Columbus Zoo, and Cleveland Zoo.
Check out the Coalition of North American Zoos and Aquariums' partnership with ecochallenge.org to sign up for specific challenges, create plastic-free habits, and share your progress.
We want to see your progress! Post your No Plastic July participation on social media, tag us, and use the hashtag #PepperNoPlasticJuly
Thank you for joining us in helping ensure the health and safety of our planet for many years to come!